Also you are interested about Ascii art on your Arch terminal? Good, with this guide you can get it easily.
All of us we had the dream of set up on our linux terminal the fantastic ascii art. But where we can get it? Okay, we will say you where you can get.
If you have an ascii art or you can make it, you can pass next. If you haven’t it or you don’t know where can get it, you can go in this site for copy one of all. If you want the ascii arch drawing, you can get it on official wiki of arch linux.
So, we can let’s go next!
You open one notepad file and paste your ascii drawing. Now you save it with one simple name. We save it in this route /home/guest/terminalart (terminalart is my notepad file with ascii art drawing)
When you saved it, you open one terminal and give this line command:
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
Now we can edit .bashrc file for customize your terminal, in this guide we teach you how set up only the ascii art. So in this point later the writing you can place you route.
This is one example with our notepad file.
# ~/.bashrc
cat /home/guest/terminalart (you write cat and later the route for your notepad file with ascii drawing)
I hope that this guide are welcome for you, thank you so much