Hi! This is the first post for this website and I think you are interested to know much better what type of website is this. But not now, sorry. If you like to know more on this website you can read the main HDroid Blog where we writes daily news in italian. But now We are going to talk about the news.
Samsung has already presented, one year ago a new store called Theme Store were are stored all themes for mobile devices (like Samsung Galaxy S6 and Note 5). Samsung is going to do a lot of themes for her flagship products, and every week new themes are released.
The possibility to install new themes is a Pro but unfortunately not all themes are free and we need to pay to see some of them on our devices. This week Samsung has finally released fourteen themes.
Thanks ->Paid
StrawberryBear -> Paid
Sharp -> Paid
Paper Display -> Paid
Okcheori Coffee -> Paid
Halloween Bluck -> Free
Gomma Bluck -> Free
Ethereal Wolf -> Paid
Ethereal Tiger -> Paid
Clarity -> Free
Blue Topaz -> Free
Balance -> Paid
A Drowsy Panda -> Paid
[Minu] Zero white -> Free