After waiting for a long time you have the opportunity to get the latest Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow on our beloved Note 4 SM-N910F.
After the release of MM for Note 4 SM-N910G some XDA developers have worked a lot to port the new firmware even on the F version and finally … that’s it and seem to work great.
Obviously we aren’t talking about an official firmware rolled out and diffuse by samsung but a port that has been made to fill up the Samsung’s delay and the update.
Android 6.0.1 Touchwiz Roms are now available to be downloaded; some of them includes a full port of the Galaxy S7 features and of the latests Edge shortcuts like People Edge.
On the negative side you’ll loss your warranty if you flash one of these rom that’s why you have to take an important decision before proceeding flashing manually something modded. If you flash something that is unofficial your Knox counter will be tripped and you won’t reset it.
The official Marshmallow update for Note 4 SM-N910F will be released shortly but remember that not all functionalities are implemented on such update and you will have to forget the theme engine that will be surely ported by XDA Developers.