Home Mobile The phone exploded in child’s hands wasn’t Samsung Galaxy Note 7 | Update

The phone exploded in child’s hands wasn’t Samsung Galaxy Note 7 | Update

The phone exploded in child’s hands wasn’t Samsung Galaxy Note 7 | Update

There are updates from Samsung, the phone that exploded in hands of the 6-years old boy wasn’t a Galaxy Note 7 but a Galaxy Core.

The situation is worsened again, there are new explosions and this time one from a Samsung Galaxy S7 and one from a Galaxy S7 Edge.

It’s not clear at all why the Galaxy Core suddenly explosed but we cannot exclude that the device was recharged correctly with his original charger.

In the meantime Samsung hasn’t confirmed what caused the explosion, the phone’s battery was 2 years old and maybe it wasn’t original, so we’ll see..

Samsung: “We take every report very seriously and have contacted the Lewis family to learn more about their situation. As we are currently looking into this case, we are unable to comment further right now”

The first news about this article was: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 explodes in hands of a 6 years old boy.

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